Shocking News About Your Power Bill: Read More

The Houston Chronicle reports Griddy, the California electricity seller that came to Texas to disrupt the retail power industry, is shaking up the market in more ways than one and Range Industrial has help.

Griddy sells electricity from the wholesale spot market to retail customers, unwittingly exposed data errors from power generators that make their way on to the Texas grid — mistakes that cost consumers and businesses millions of dollars.

This past May, Griddy notified its customers something unusual was happening.

Power prices on the afternoon of May 30, 2019 spiked to $9,000 a megawatt hour for no apparent reason and Griddy sent out an alert telling its customers not to worry. The cost worked out to less than $3 — which Griddy compared to buying a medium-sized cup of coffee —and Griddy expected the state’s grid manager to reprice the power.

And if the Electric Reliability Council of Texas didn’t reprice, Griddy assured its customers it would refund the money itself.

This points out what Range Industrial has mentioned before: Many people assume that electricity is always delivered at the proper voltage. Your local Power Company wants this to be the case but many factors are beyond their control.

So what are the options for commercial customers who may witness a spike in peak times?

Shut down operations for a few hours?

Not all commercial customers can just shut down to avoid peak times.  Those that can need options.

Technology offered by Range Industrial can help. It’s called Power Conditioning.

One of the benefits of the Power Conditioning unit is to lower the demand use.  The filtering provided allows for more available power thus resulting in lower demand use and cost.

This comes from a static approach to power conditioning in a facility.

The static approach means technology is installed as close to the load as possible allowing for a single controlled approach in improvements.

Power Conditioning isn’t as expensive as you may think and it will save you money down the line.

To find out more about Power Conditioning and how Range Industrial can help take the shock out of your energy bill, pick up the phone and call 214-650-1764 or click on 

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